St. Patrick’s Youth Group or SPYG, is a vibrant youth ministry made up of dozens of high school teens throughout Montgomery County from many different private, and public schools as well as our homeschool community. The youth ministry program at St Patrick Parish invites teens into an intimate relationship with Christ through the richness of the Catholic Church. We seek to accomplish this goal in four main ways: prayer, positive relationships, service, and catechetical formation.
Youth Ministry strives to help teens' faith not only survive high school, but thrive through it! We encourage healthy development of our youth, walk with them through struggles, give them a place to form friendships with peers who share their beliefs, and challenge them to integrate faith and life.
SPYG meets almost every Wednesday throughout the year from 7-9pm in the Youth Room at the back of the parish center. Our nights include dinner, games and sports, formal catechetical teaching, small and large group discussion and prayer.
Every fall and spring, youth group goes on retreat. Retreats are a chance for teens to get away for a weekend and spend time in prayer, learning, and relaxing with friends.
Our Youth Ministry operates the most competitive and quality summer camp in the area, the Rockville Catholic Summer Program. Each summer we hire approximately 40 high school and college age teenagers to serve as camp counselors for over 1,500 campers! We also accept rising 8th graders through 12th grade high school students to serve as volunteers. Visit for more information!
Throughout the year we offer many different socials such as Archery Tag, Bubbleball, an Archdiocesan-wide Dodgeball Tournament, a 12 hour overnight Lock Out program and much more!
Please see the calendar below for information on upcoming events.