Mercy Triumphs Over Justice
For recording, click HERE
SUSAN BRINKMANN, OCDS - Former "New Age feminist," now a Catholic apologist, award-winning author, Third Order Carmelite, Director of Communications and New Age Research for Women of Grace, and a frequent guest on EWTN, provides insights and wisdom concerning common spiritual landmines.
Includes Personal Witness Testimonies
Dolores: "Mother Mary to the Rescue" - "Cradle Catholic" who became heavily involved in "New Age" practices shares her personal journey of deliverance from spiritual bondage.
Margaret: "Satan's Plan for the New Age Practices that Lead to My New Age Experience" - Involvement in transcendental meditation, Eastern religions, and astrology lead Margaret on a self-destructive path until she hit "rock bottom."
Agnieszka: "Rediscovering the Sacraments" - Agnieszka points to Our Lady of Czestochowa and a devotion to the Rosary as saving her from a destructive path away from God.
For a recording, click here.
Fr. Daniel-Maria Klimek, T.O.R., Franciscan Friar and Assistant Professor of Theology, Franciscan University of Steubenville
Ali Rak, Director of Religious Education & Youth Ministry, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Pomfret, Maryland
Dr. Lisa Van Bramer, M.D., MSPH, Founder & Chair, the Lepanto Project, Rocky Mountain Research & Prevention Institute
Jim McNulty, The Upper Room PTSD Support Group Ministry
David Michaels, The Light of Christ Prayer Ministry
(Click here for a video recording of each talk)
March 4 Barbara Wilson, "Stay With Me, Remain With Me, Watch and Pray" March 18: Mike McHugh, Director of Youth Ministry "Agnostic to Adorer: The Transforming Power of Christ's Presence" March 25: John Kirk - "John 22" April 1: Will Campbell & Maria Sotomayor "Getting the most out of your holy hour: a practical guide to Adoration" April 8: Maria Joseph "MJ" Acevedo, Campus Minister, Catholic Student Center, UMD "Adoration: How we are Called to Divine Intimacy"
Speakers Monica Gill, Teacher, Loudon County High School - impact on teachers (recording) Deborah Brocato, Retired Nurse, and Founder, The Campaign to Protect Women - medical impact (recording) Logan Spena, Esq., Attorney, Alliance Defending Freedom - legal issues (recording) Fr. Brad Elliott, O.P, Dominican Friar - the Church's pastoral response (recording) Some resources:
Natalie Plumb, Director of Communications and Youth Director, St. Ann's, Washington, DC shares her amazing testimony of how Mary saved her life. Click HERE for video.
See Natalie's website: Natalie J Plumb | Musician, author, speaker
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is a signal grace for our time! The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary was first revealed about 35 years ago to Elizabeth Kindelmann, an orphan, mother of six, and widow from Budapest, Hungary....
So, what IS the "Flame of Love?" And why is it relevant TODAY?
Got your attention?! Want to know more?
For a recording of this event, click here.
These talks were given during the 2024 Lenten Simple Supper series. They are available on the parish youtube channel here.
Feb. 16: “The Trial of the Angels and the Battle over the human family” (Fr. Wolfgang Seitz, ORC)
Feb. 23: “The Holy Angels in the life of the Holy Family and our own lives” (Fr. Seitz)
Mar. 1: “The Archangels stand before the Throne of God” (“Mother Angelica Live” video recording)
Mar. 15: “The ‘Invisible’ Ones in the Old Testament and the Church Fathers” (Fr. Eugene Wehner, OCD)
Mar. 22: “Partnering with Angels—on earth as it is in Heaven!” (Betsy Roeder)
"The Spirit Moves Where He Wills: Building Up the Kingdom & Community," featuring speakers FR. PATRICK MULLAN, Parochial Vicar, and JENNIFER BRYSON, Ph.D.